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11/16 (tue) FOuR DANCERS vol.206~dance performance night~


Monochrome Circus(坂本公成+森裕子)

Blue Ka Wing、Wilfred Wong(映像での出演)




◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.2200 yen + 1drink / door.2500 yen + 1drink
◇ dancer. 1600yen + 1drink

文化庁「ARTS for the future!」補助対象事業

photo:Toshie Kuramoto
Monochrome Circus/モノクローム・サーカス (Kyoto/京都)
1990年結成。主宰、坂本公成+森裕子。「身体と身体の対話」をテーマに活動。リヨン・ビエンナーレ(’00)、別府現代芸術祭「混浴温泉世界」(’09)瀬戸内芸術祭(‘10)、鳥の演劇祭(’12)など、ヨーロッパやUSA、そしてアジア十数カ国ほか国内外で作品を発表。 真鍋大度、藤本隆行、山中通、grafなどとコラボレーション。坂本公成は、平成13年度京都市芸術文化特別奨励者。‘02年 ACCの助成を受けNYに研修。平成19年度京都市芸術新人賞受賞。2021年末には代表作『HAIGAFURU/Ash is falling』を横浜赤レンガ倉庫で、’22年度2月には『3Layers』をTHEATRE E9で上演予定。


IMG_1986撮影/大西暢夫(Nobuo Onishi)


モダンダンス、舞踏、アフロコンテンポラリーなどを経て舞踏グルー プで共同振付公演や国内外のフェスティバルに参加。ミュージシャン、映像との即興コラボレーションも多い。‘09よりセネガルのサバールダンスに惹かれ渡航7回、ダンスと太鼓を学ぶ。『国際パフォーマンスアートフェスティバル』(韓国、フィンランド、オーストラリア)『Melody♡Cup』 (高嶺格演出作品)、
即興シリーズ《pillow no.1~6》など


Blue Ka Wing

Blue Ka Wing, left-hander, an independent dance artist in Hong Kong. Started her dance training at the age of 16. In 2010, she graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, majoring in Contemporary Dance and Choreography. Blue was a part-time contract dancer at Y-Space Dance Company during 2012-2013 and now an independent artist working with various dance companies and artists. Blue’s “Time Lag” got the shortlisted nomination by Hong Kong Dance Award 2017 as Outstanding Choreography. “Experimental Relationships” is a 20-minute work which commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival 2019. After the premiere, it is selected by Yokohama Dance Collection 2020. In the following week, it is presented in TPAM and UrBANGUILD (Kyoto) in February 2020. In the year of pandemic, Blue presented a 80-minute work “The Neighbor” in Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Besides performing arts, Blue is also interested in making dance film, including “God Limps” and “9”. The later one is awarded the Mención especial Fiver from Fiver International Screendance Movement; 2019 International Dance Video Award and Audience’s Choice from One Minute Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition. In 2020, Blue and Wilfred Wong are commissioned by Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival for the 21-minute dance film “Mountains, Seas, Panorama”, premiered at UA Cinema K11 Art House.

Wilfred Wong
Wilfred Wong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He formed an experimental art group HerStory Polygon with young artists at 2011. The works include 7 Jewish Children on single line, Time with Antonin Artaud, 2046/Xiao Hong in red, In Search of The ReXXlution Scene(s), A Kitchen of her own, Regarding O, How I learned to do BAD drifting and etc. Within 8 years, HerStory Polygon had created more than 20 works and performed in different cities including, Scotland, Macau, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Beijing and etc. Wilfred Wong also joined different creations independently, including “An Oral Hisotory of Hong Kgon Dance (1950s-70s)” (CCDC ; Video Directing), “Little Prince” (Dance Film exchange with Kyoto), “My Daddy, My Flying Car and Me” (CCAS 2016/2018 ; Directing), “The Invisible S” (Work for Blue Ka Wing ; HKAF ; Dramaturg & Video designer). Besides, Wilfred Wong has also been involved in multimedia video creation and intended to research the aesthetics of combining interactive multimedia and theatre. The works include “Love and Information” and “Postcolonial Affairs of Food and the Heart” by Onandon, “Sketches of 1967” by Pants Theatre Production, “The Left Hander” by Blue Ka Wing, “Door” by Y-space and etc. Wilfred also worked closely with different parites, including IATC(HK), Theatre du pif, Alice Theatre Laboratory, Passoverdance, HKAF, Tai Kwun and etc. More, his dance film”9″ had been selected by multiple international dance film festivals including, POOL 19 – Internationales TanzFilmFestival Berlin International Dance Film Festival Brussels Fiver International Screendance Movement VII. Festival de Videdanza de Palma 5th Moving Images International Videodance Festival Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival TPAM Fringe 2020 UrBANGUILD Kyoto CINEDANS 2020 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Moovy, Tanzfilmfestival im Filmforum im Museum Ludwig (Cologne, Germany) ScreenDance Festival – ScreenDance Festival 2020 (Stockholm, Sweden) “9” is awarded the Mención especial Fiver from Fiver International Screendance Movement; 2019 International Dance Video Award and Audience’s Choice from One Minute Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition. In 2020, Blue and Wilfred Wong are commissioned by Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival for the 21-minute dance film “Mountains, Seas, Panorama”, premiered at UA Cinema K11 Art House.





19:00 〜22:30


2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら