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1/18 (sat) Art Of Music Ensemble
01/18・19:00 〜21:30
Christopher Fryman – Trumpet
Edge Minami -Bass Clarinet
William Prunkl – Cello
Our very special guest – Yannick Paget on Percussion
◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.3000yen inc 1drink! / door.3500yen inc 1drink!
The Art of Music Ensemble is an acoustic group specializing in “Classical Improvisation,” blending free improvisation with classical music traditions. Inspired by historical improvisers such as Mozart and Beethoven, the ensemble explores the timeless art of spontaneous composition.
The core instrumentation includes trumpet, bass clarinet, and cello, with a percussionist featured as a special guest. A hallmark of the group is its ability to craft fully realized compositions in real-time, drawing on the rich heritage of classical music while embracing the freedom of modern improvisation.
Christopher Fryman – Trumpet
A Canadian citizen and resident of Kyoto, he has lived in Japan since 1973. He has a career of more than 45 years experience working as a cinematographer in tv and film.
The past thirty years have been spent in a variety of music composition and performance using trumpet and electronics. He is a specialist in free improvisation, and also plays in the genres of jazz, ethnic gypsy, classical brass band music, and contemporary dance music, and live music for Butoh dancers.
Christopher Fryman(クリストファー・フライマン) – トランペット奏者、作曲家、即興演奏家、撮影監督。
Edge Minami
Alto saxophone/bass clarinet player who navigates between Jazz, Improvisation, and Punk. Known for a performance style that cut up jazz and punk idioms and noise/soundscapes created through various special techniques unique to wind instruments.
William Prunkl – Cello
From America, he began playing the cello at the age of 12. At Columbia University, he studied with Carter Brey, the principal cellist of the New York Philharmonic. He performs and collaborates with artists of various genres throughout Japan.
Yannick Paget – Percussion
Yannick Paget is a French conductor and composer based in Japan, known for his work with various orchestras and his promotion of French music. He is the musical director of the choir & Orchestra of the Kyoiku Daigaku and First Guest Conductor of the Kansai City Philharmonic Orchestra. Paget is also an active composer, drawing inspiration from his experiences in Japan, and co-founder of the artist collective Enso Watt.
Atticus Sims – Visual Art
Atticus Sims is a digital artist, researcher, and professor at Kyoto Seika University, as well as co-founder of Studio Pollen. As part of the Art of Music Ensemble, he engages in improvised visual performances, responding to the music through a fluid manipulation of video imagery, including AI-generated content, creating an evolving dialogue between sound and vision.
シムズ・アティカスは、デジタルアーティスト、研究者、京都精華大学教授、そしてStudio Pollenの共同設立者。Art of Music Ensembleのメンバーとして、音楽に呼応しながらAI生成映像を含む様々な映像を即興的に操り、音と映像の対話を紡ぎ出している。
・2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら
・2016/04 から前のEVENTはこちら