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12/7 (thu) Kyoto Composers Jazz Orchestra Live at UrBANGUILD
12/07・19:00 〜21:30

Kyoto Composers Jazz Orchestra
日本を代表するアーティスティック志向のジャズオーケストラ “Kyoto Composers Jazz
Orchestra” が久しぶりに京都の地で演奏します!! この日のためのスペシャルプログラムの他、ゲ
ストヴォーカル 片山恵依子さんのパワフルな歌声を堪能していただけるライブとなっています。
[予約・問い合わせ先] KyotoComposersJO@gmail.com
◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.4000 yen + 1drink
谷口知巳 Trombone Player, Band Leader
Hal Crook(Trb), Jerry Bergonzi(Tsx), Herb Pomeroy(Arr)他に師事し, Ricky Ford(Tsx),George Russell(Comp)などのビッグバンド
にも参加し, Milt Hinton(B), Frank Lacy(Trb),Ran Blake(Pf) 他と共演。ニューヨークに移ってからは, Conrad Herwig(Trb), Jimmy
Knepper(Trb) 他に師事し, 多数リハーサルバンドなどに参加。帰国後は, 自己のグループの他に, 北野タダオ(Pf)&アロージャズ
オーケストラ, サウスサイドジャズバンド他に参加し, ライブ活動の他に, 多数レコーディングもこなす。2006年からは京都コンポー
Kyoto Composers Jazz Orchestra
けて兵庫、名古屋、東京で同公演を成功させる。2021年、京都御所近くの金剛能楽堂にて舞踏家 桂勘氏との公演『螺旋』を実施す
Kyoto Composers Jazz Orchestra, one of the most remarkable artistic jazz orchestra in Japan, has played
creative compositions with rich sound and unique soloists.
The band was founded in 2006, and works under the artistic direction of Tomomi Taniguchi.The KCJO pursues
the tradition and artistry of jazz, and their performances are very highly evaluated.
The band performs many concerts every year all over Japan(Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Kyoto), and has over
two hundred original pieces including arrangements which are written by an orchestrator Shota Yamamoto, who
won the first prize at the Jazz section of the national composer competition(American Songwriting Award 2017,
Hollywood Songwriting Contest 2016).
The recording of the KCJO, 7 leader albums and 7 collaboration albums to date.
The album “Hyojo”(2018), It includes Shota Yamamoto’s highly esteemed compositions: the title song “Hyojo”
combining Jazz with “Gagaku” melody, which is the Japanese traditional court music.
In recent years, the band has undertaken collaborations with artists of other genres.
『Sound, Silence and Measurement』(2019~2021) is the concert in collaboration with calligraphy, sutra reading
and opera singer. The concert premiered at the Kyoto Art Center, and was held in Hyogo, Nagoya, and Tokyo.
『Rasen』(2021) is the concert in collaboration with butoh artist Kan Katsura. The concert was held at the Kongo
Noh Theater near the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
・2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら
・2016/04 から前のEVENTはこちら