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5/5 (sun) MELLOWER featuring Donna Leake
05/05・17:00 〜22:30

Donna Leake (London)
Kobeta Piano
大阪の “non genre dance party” HEAVYMELLOW がお送りするスピンオフパーティ
Spin-off party by “non genre dance party” HEAVYMELLOW.
◇ OPEN / START 17:00
◇ door.3000 yen + 1drink
Donna Leake
世界各地でDJをしながら、7年間NTS Radioのマンスリーホストを務める。
I’ve been djing globally and hosting a monthly radio show on NTS for 7 years.
It started with a love for music, dance and a hunger to discover new sounds within an ever developing taste. I love all kinds of music from all over the world and all over the clock whether that be it’s age, rhythm or tempo. I try to use the songs to piece together a story, express what’s going on at that moment in the world or in my personal life,dance to and to share experiences, history and wisdom in the hope to enjoy ourselves and learn something while together creating a useful and meaningful affair. I like music that’s high, low, dark, light, smart, silly, a daydream or a nightmare and beyond! I love to dance but more than anything it’s my teacher. The journey of sharing this with people and nature has become just as much a teacher, a joy and a blessing as the musicians and the music itself.
Kobeta Piano
京都を拠点に活動するKND (electronics, dub)、Watz Uematsu (drums, percussions)、Shoichi Murakami (synthesizer, piano)によるインプロビゼーション・ユニット。
独自のスタイルから生まれるハーモニーやリズムで、立体的・空間的なグルーヴを作るShoichi Murakamiの鍵盤に 、アフリカン・リズムの伝統を即興の中で再構築するWatz Uematsuのビート、KNDの先鋭的モジュラー・サウンドとダブが重なり、ミニマリスティックでディープなダンス・グルーヴを現出させる。
2022年には、画家濱大二郎と映像作家Masato Tokumaruのユニット “DAIMARU” とコラボレーションしたアルバム映像作品 “dubasik” をリリース。
「Kobeta Pianoのサウンドは、時空をこえるオノマトペ。」 -DJ KENSEI
Kyoto-based improvisation unit consisting of KND (electronics, dub), Watz Uematsu (drums, percussions), and Shoichi Murakami (synthesizer, piano). Shoichi Murakami creates spatial grooves with harmonies and rhythms from his unique style on the keyboard, while Watz Uematsu reconstructs African rhythmic traditions through improvisation. And KND’s cutting-edge modular sounds and dubs overlap to create a minimalistic deep dance groove. In 2022, they released the album “dubasik” in collaboration with DAIMARU, a unit of painter Daijiro Hama and filmmaker Masato Tokumaru. Currently, they are working on the creation of new works while performing improvised sound performances in the Kansai region and throughout Japan.
京都在住。ハイブリッドラテンパーティ「Our Latin Way」主宰。
2019年春より、南米日本フューチャー・ミクスチャー・ダンス&レベルミュージックを発信する浪速のクンビアバンド「ROJO REGALO」に加入。
Lives and works in Kyoto. Organizer of the hybrid Latin party “Our Latin Way”. After spending her teenage years with hardcore and HipHop, and entered the world of ethnic music in her early twenties through tribal techno and black music. She was fascinated by Afro-Cuban music and stayed in Cuba for a long time. Since then, she has been working as a percussionist and a music selector and organizer of Afro-rock music. In 2019, she joined ROJO REGALO, a cumbia band in Japan, that plays South American and Japanese future-mixed dance and level music.
・2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら
・2016/04 から前のEVENTはこちら