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7/19 (fri) FOuR DANCERS vol.291~dance performance night~
07/19・19:00 〜22:00

Cherish Menzo(music by Mars89)
◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.2300 yen + 1drink / door.2600 yen + 1drink
◇ dancer. 1700yen + 1drink
Cherish Menzo (°1988, The Netherlands) is a performing artist and choreographer based in Amsterdam and Brussels. For her artistic work, she is interested in the transformation of the body on stage and in the “embodiment” of different physical images. Implementing distortion, decay, and dissonance, Cherish attempts to detach bodies from forced perceptions and their daily corporeal realities, underlining the complexity and contradictory nature of images that seem recognizable at first glance. Glitching the ‘’common’’ lexical, she seeks the Uncanny, the Enigmatic, and the Monstrous to give shape to – and materialize speculative forms and fictions.
Cherish graduated in 2013 from The Urban Contemporary program (JMD) of the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam and since danced in productions by choreographers such as Eszter Salamon, Akram Khan, Leo Lerus, Hanzel Nezza, Benjamin Kahn, Olivier Dubois, Ula Sickle, Lisbeth Gruwez, Jan Martens, and Nicole Beutler. Besides performing in other choreographers’ productions, she has been creating her own work for the last seven years: EFES (2016 – together with Nicole Geertruida), LIVE (2018 – with Müşfik Can Müftüoğlu), JEZEBEL (2019), DARKMATTER (2022). She received the Amsterdam FRINGE and FRINGE International Bursary Awards 2019 with JEZEBEL. JEZEBEL was selected in 2020 for both the Dutch and Flemish Theaterfestival, which presented a jury selection of the best performances of the season and received the prestigious Charlotte Köhler award by the Prins Bernhard Foundation (Amsterdam) in 2022. DARKMATTER was selected for both the Belgian Theater Festival and its Dutch counterpart.
With DARKMATTER, Cherish received the BNG Bank Theater Prize (2023) and the VSCD prize for best direction (2023) with DARKMATTER.
Cherish's work is structurally supported and produced by GRIP.
1997年より身体表現を始め、パフォーミングアートグループ:ダムタイプの作品「OR」、 「memorandum」、「voyage」に出演、国内外のツアーに参加する。 メディアアーティスト:高谷史郎「明るい部屋 La Chambre Claire」に出演、 光のアーティスト:高橋匡太作品では、「いつかみる夢~京都美術ビエンナーレ特別企画展」 (京都府京都文化博物館)、「スマートイルミネーション横浜2015」、「Red Room#1-4」(ヨ コハマ創造都市センター)などに出演・映像参加している。 ゴーダ企画、「Every day is a new beginning 」(ロームシアター京都ノースホール) の演出をし、出演する。

・2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら
・2016/04 から前のEVENTはこちら