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2/19 (tue) Avant Garde a Clue JAPAN -Wandering Music Caravan from the USA- 2025 京都編




Adam Arritola (found objects / stream of consciousness / misc)

Bonnie Kane (saxophone, flute, feedback and electronics)

Sailor Beware (sound collage, spoken word, illustration)

Dei Xhrist (art brut glossolalia, spoken word, electronics)

Alexander Adams (percussion, sound art)

MAKS (computer, robotics)

河端一 Makoto Kawabata (guitar)

向井千惠 Chie Mukai (二胡er-hu, piano, voice)

宮本隆 Takashi Miyamoto (bass)

沢田穣治 Jyoji Sawada (bass)

有本羅人 Rabito Arimoto (tp, bass clarinet)

山内弘太 Kota Yamauchi (guitar)


◇ OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
◇ adv.3000 yen + 1drink / door.3500 yen + 1drink
◇ U22/Musician. 2000 + 1drink



– Adam Arritola

is a 29-year-old best known as the producer of the monumental Avant Garde a Clue festival in Rochester, NY (which was recently featured all over local news and formerly known as Rochester Experimental Week) and Miami Psych Fest. He is an outsider free improvisation musician who has intentionally avoided an academic approach in music for over 15 years. He also avoided recorded releases to this date, as he believes studio recording and live performances are separate art forms. He has performed in unpredictable fashions solo under a plethora of monickers and in groups with Tatsuya Nakatani, Jair-Rôhm Parker Wells, Ayako Kanda, Ron Anderson, Susan Alcorn, Frank ‘Rat Bastard’ Falestra (of To Live and Shave in L.A.), Crowmeat Bob, Thollem McDonas, Elliott Levin, Tracy Lisk, Marc Edwards, Thomas Milovac, William Fields, Olchar E. Lindsann, Scott Bazar, ‘Joel Nobody’ Switzer, Majid Araim, and countless others.

– Bonnie Kane

Integrating saxophone, flute, feedback and electronics, electro-acoustic pioneer and dedicated improvisor, Bonnie Kane‘s music is an extreme mix of psychedelic rock, hardcore, noise, and avant-garde jazz. Childhood exposure to the Sun Ra Arkestra, led to studies with Sonny Simmons, Paul McCandless (Oregon), and Jon Raskin (Rova Saxophone Quartet). A stint in the Club Foot Orchestra, with Snakefinger (The Residents) and Eric Drew Feldman (Captain Beefheart), introduced her to electronic processing for horns. Brief study at Mills College under Anthony Braxton solidified her direction.
Kane has over 40 releases as a soloist and bandleader and has opened for White Zombie, The Boredoms, Acid Mothers Temple, Nik Turner, and Hawkwind among many others. She was featured in Cisco Bradley’s 2023 book, “The Williamsburg Avant Garde”, toured and recorded on “Luciferian Towers” with Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and recorded on Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s album, “Orange”. She curates the Masters of Sonic Liberation concert series, and assists with the ongoing XFest and NUMU festivals.


– Sailor Beware

Lara Allen’s solo work under the name Sailor Beware combines sound collage, spoken word, illustration and vaudeville in a kaleidoscopic portrayal of her experiences in Cincinnati public schools, the “troubled teen industry” and children’s mental hospital. She was a vocalist and bassist in Caroliner for several years and also fronted Heavenly Ten Stems, who specialized in covers of Asian pop and rock tunes (the sort later popularized by labels such as Sublime Frequencies, et al.), has appeared on an album by Secret Chiefs 3, and was the off-the-hook screeching front-person of legendary Ohio psycho-rock juggernaut Manwich. (Only on tour from 14-28) 

– Dei Xhrist

Sotto voce/art brut glossolalia and spoken word, acoustic or amplified with pedal effects. Dei Xhrist began performing sonically in the early 00s, and now sings solo. Dei Xhrist is a multidisciplinary artist working with sound, performance, and sculpture. She creates soundscapes that draw on the human desire to observe religious rapture and profane forms; audience experiences have been orgasmic and/or terrifying.
Voice was initially added as a background element, supporting theremin and less conventional sound sources to create audio cut ups and soundscapes. Xhrist’s voice, now her dominating instrument, has been favorably compared to Diamanda Galas. Xhrist is the organizer of XFest in Massachusetts and organizes shows for the House of Goings-On in Manchester, NH.

– MAKS (Musically Advanced Kinetic Systems)

Founded by Maxwell Abeles in 2011, MAKS (Musically Advanced Kinetic Systems) creates ornate multimedia systems for live performance. Masked ritual, traditional artwork combined with new media technology, and occult practice are important tools in MAKS’ creative arsenal. 

Over the past year servo motors and macabre cast latex have been incorporated into the works to create literally living apparitions. MAKS has performed at Last Frontier, Queens Museum, Grace Exhibition Space, Anarchist Art Festival, BRAC, Trans Pecos, Wild Embeddings,City Reliquary Museum, Cirebon Noise Festival (West Java), SIGGRAPH Asia (Japan), Harvestworks Digital Media Center (artist in resident 2015), Lesley University, Busan Art Fair (Korea), and prior with PixelMouth at Stone Circle Theater. MAKS founded Guerrilla Theater in 2020. They recently performed with Non Grata in Parnu, Estonia during the Diverse Universe Festival & at the Anarchist Art Festival with AnarkoArtLab in NYC.

– Alexander Adams

is a percussionist and sound artist based in Chicago, IL. He is a founding member of the Galaxxu ensemble, whose ever-changing lineup has included many heavy Chicago-area improvisors.
His solo work incorporates a wide variety of homemade and modified instruments, including drums, electronics, strings, and gongs, crafting immersive experiences that blend organic textures with electronic elements. He has also worked with Resumer / Uniter, Field Theory, and Plague of Carcosa.


– 河端一 Makoto Kawabata 

欧米にて絶大な支持を受けるサイケデリックロックバンド「Acid Mothers Temple」を率い、その轟音超高速ギタリストとして認知される一方、ソロ活動に於いては、弓弾きやグリッサンドギター等を駆使し、ギタードローンの開祖としても広く知られる。1978年に自作楽器と電子音による作品を制作発表以来、様々なユニットを結成しては、世界中より膨大な数の作品をリリース、また欧米を中心に精力的にツアーも行い、その活動の全貌把握は困難を極める。近年は自身のキャリアの原点回帰とも言える電子音楽演奏も行う一方、2020年からアコースティックギターによるソロ活動も開始。コロナ禍の2020年6月、BandcampにてD.I.Y.デジタルリリース開始、毎週2作品ずつ公開し続け、現在は300タイトルを優に越える。


– 向井千惠 Chie Mukai

“East Bionic Symphonia”、“STEREOS”等に参画。
1981年より自身のユニット“Ché-SHIZU (シェシズ)”を始める。
現在、Ché-SHIZU、即興演奏グループ“打鈍 (dadunr)”、ソロの演奏の他、様々な音楽家、舞踏家、パフォーマー等と国内外で共演している。
即興表現によるMIXED MEDIA ARTのフェスティバル“PERSPECTIVE EMOTION (透視的情動)”主宰。


宮本 隆 Miyamoto Takashi

リーダーグループは時弦旅団、sonic orbit(with初坂恵美key、松元隆ds)、SCATTER ELECTRONS(with臼井康浩g藤掛正隆ds)等があり、参加グループはマジカル・パワーマコL5BAND(with松元隆ds)。他に即興を主体とした様々なユニット、あるいはソロでの即興演奏活動も行っている。CD制作レーベル時弦プロダクションを主宰し「existense」(磯端伸一with大友良英)、「火の環」(シェシズ)、ナスノミツル「Rain maker」等を製作。


– 沢田穣治 Jyoji Sawada

ショーロクラブでの活動は35年に及ぶ。 映画音楽・沖縄島唄・現代音楽・音響系作品の制作や、J-POPアーティストのプロデユース、アレンジなど 多種多様な音楽制作に携わる。 作曲家としてはフォンテックから委嘱作品などを集めた室内楽作品集『silent movie』などを発表する。 京都移住を機会に京都市立芸大で修復されたバシェとの再会がありその研究に関わりその音源をリリースする為「Unknown Silence」を立ち上げる。最近は中川陽介監督作品「コザママ」の音楽など、アニメARIAシリーズでは音楽を長く担当。 代表作は2012年には海外の音楽家も多数参加する総勢20名による「No Nukes Jazz Orchestra」などがあり 最近作では「武満徹ソングブック-コンプリート」ショーロクラブ『Caleidoscópio』 を発表!


– 有本羅人 Rabito Arimoto


卯年生まれ。金管、木管の二天一流。少年期に様々な黒人音楽に傾倒した挙げ句、本場のJazzを求め渡米するも更なる土着の文化を求め帰国、後、三上寛やデカルコ・マリィ(アングラ)といった自国に蠢く強烈な表現者達と出会い喇叭吹きとしての活動を再燃させる。未だここに存在しない新しい音を求め、自身のJazzを演奏するバンド「兎に角」、又、高岡大祐(tuba)との五線譜を用いないトリオ「Bright Moments」を結成。更にはドラマー芳垣安洋のNu Art Ensemble「MoGoToYoYo」やピアニスト西島芳との三管ユニット「Ensemble Shippolly」等、数バンドに所属。特に同世代のギタリスト、ルイリロイとのユニット「ラビリロイ」「Lenz」は関西では稀有なバンドとして注目を集める。現在は国外にも活動範囲を広げ、2017年にはオーストリアのトロンボ二スト、Werner Puntigamと現地にて作品を録音。最近では世界中に点在する先鋭的な音楽家達を自身の経営する写真スタジオに招聘し様々な形のコンサートを企画している。



– 山内弘太 Kota Yamauchi


KOTA YAMAUCHI is an experimental guitarist based in Kyoto, Japan. His improvised performances use guitar as the sound source, incorporating pedal effects and found objects. These elements are used to build intricate multi-layered soundscapes which evolve, taking the listener on a journey. He also performs as supporting guitarist for a band, and singer-songwriter.



18:30 〜23:00


2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら