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5/31 (fri) Velvet Moon vol.165 ~music, dance & performance night!


今 貂子
Mitsu Salmon + ryotaro
Bridget Scott + Christopher Fryman
Nunzia Picciallo


*予定されていたMilad Mozariの出演はキャンセルとなりました

◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.2800yen inc 1drink! / door.3000yen inc 1drink!

photo:iina naoto ‘東九条けいこ場通り’

今 貂子
舞踏家 振付家 今貂子舞踏研究所/舞踏カンパニー倚羅座主宰
’80年-’94年白虎社に参加。海外及び国内公演に出演、また、衣裳デザイン製作を担当。‘00年ワークショップを母胎に舞踏カンパニー倚羅座結成。’07⁻’16年旧五條楽園歌舞練場にて連続公演。’16年KYOTO舞踏館「秘色」ロングラン上演開始(現在休演中)。‘19年還暦記念「闇の艶」公演(先斗町歌舞練場)。’20年「金剛石-Diamond-」公演(UrBANGUILD)にて、令和2年度文化庁芸術祭優秀賞受賞。以降’21年「愛ノ嵐」、’22年「彗星」を上演しコロナ三部作として結実。‘23年11月倚羅座舞踏公演「瑠璃坏るりのつき」開催。’21年より、今貂子 飯名尚人共同制作作品「おんなのぼくしさん」のクリエイションと上演を続ける。

Ima Tenko
Butoh dancer, choreographer, director of the Butoh Company KIRAZA, and Ima Tenko Butoh Studio.
Participated in Byakkosha from 1980 to 1994. Performed in overseas and domestic performances, and designed and created costumes. In 2000, he formed the butoh company KIRAZA, based on her workshop. Performed at the old Gojo Rakuen Kaburenjo from ’07 to ’16. In 2016 Started long-run performance of “Hisoku” at KYOTO Butoh Kan (currently on hiatus). Performed -KANREKI anniversary- “Yami no Tsuya” at Ponto-cho Kaburenjo in 2019 .
In 2020, won the Excellence Prize of the Agency for Cultural Affairs Arts Festival in 2020 for the performance “Diamond” at UrBANGUILD. “LOVE TEMPEST” and “COMET” were performed as part of the Corona Trilogy . Kiraza Butoh performance‘Goblet of Lapis lazuli’ Also she began a collaborative project “A female Poster” with filmmaker naoto iina.
She is scheduled to give a butoh performance by the Butoh Company Kiraza on November 2-4, 2024.

Through the exploration of the avant-garde form of Butoh, supported by the Shinto practice of Tamafuri, “reinvigorating the soul,” a practice seen at the heart of Japanese performing arts, Ima Tenko explores the frontiers of her own art and self. As an inheritor of Butoh, Ima Tenko uses Kyoto as a base to breathe new life and vigor into the form.



photo by Rich Matheson

Mitsu Salmon creates visual and performing works that fuse multiple
disciplines. Creating in differing media—translating one medium to
another—is connected to the translation of differing cultures and
languages. Her work draws from familial and personal narratives and
then abstracts, expands, and contradicts them. Salmon received her MFA
from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and BFA from NYU. She
has participated in artist residencies such as at Taipei Artist
Village (Taiwan), Incheon Art Platform (Korea),  Guildhall (NY) and
Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. She has presented work at places such
as the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Indianapolis Museum of Art,
and Chicago Cultural Center. She has received the Midwest Nexus
Touring Grant, Chicago Dancemaker’s Lab Grant, Utah Performing Arts
Fellowship, and grants from Salt Lake City. She is currently an
assistant professor at Brandeis University.


ryotaro (acc,synth)
エレクトロニクスを融合したアコーディオン弾き。96年からナスノミツル (アルタードステイツ)、三条とおる (EP-4)らの[elements]に加入後、数々のアングラの巨匠達との共演を経て2010年からUrBANGUILDのブッキングを務め、FOuR DANCERS, Velvet Moon等、数々のイヴェントを企画。今貂子、藤條虫丸、マルセロ・エヴェリン、由良部正美、ヤザキタケシ等、共演したダンサーは数知れず。梅津和時らと中山ラビのバックを15年勤め、フランスを中心に海外での活動も精力的に行い、’15年にはHi Seoul Festival 、’19年には釜山国際即興舞踊祝祭、Bridge Dance Festival (Chicago) に招聘される。’10, ’11年と、coba主催のイヴェントに参加。’20年音楽を担当した今貂子舞踏公演「金剛石-Diamond- 」(UrBANGUILD )が文化庁芸術祭優秀賞受賞。2024年より一児の父。


photo by Rich Matheson
Milad Mozari is an artist and researcher working in sonic
investigations that draw connections to surfaces and social layers.
His projects travel through concepts of music, language, and absence.
Exhibitions and performances include the Hong Kong Arts Centre,
International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Chicago International Film
Festival, IndieLisboa, and the Studebaker Theater. Fellowships and
residencies include Asian Cultural Council Grant to Individuals, Wave
Farm, Pioneer Works, Incheon Art Platform, Taipei Artist Village,
Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship, and MIT Open Documentary Lab.
He is currently an Assistant Professor at the College of Architecture
and Planning at the University of Utah.


Bridget Scott, born in London living in Kyoto since 1989. She began butoh dance training with Katsura Kan in 1990. She performed as a regular member of his group until 1994. Bridget also studied butoh with Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno, Min Tanaka, and Yurabe Masami. From 2003, Bridget began performing solo, choreographed and improvised works. Bridget also performs collaboratively with artists and musicians. In 2005, Bridget began Nihon buyoh training with Senrei Nishikawa, until she died in 2012. Since then, she continued studying with Chikage Nishikawa until now. She is a member of Aoi no Kai, Nihon buyoh group regularly performing in Kyoto. Bridget Scott performs regularly in Japan and has performed internationally in London, Dublin, Beijing, Seoul. Bridget has been collaborating and performing with Christopher Fryman since 2010. Bridget Scott is also a shiatsu therapist and grows vegetables.


photo credit: Dan Yosefi
Nunzia Picciallo is a multidisciplinary artist born in Italy.

Her creations span between dance, performance and visual arts. Both the creative process and the performative act are an adaptive and constantly evolving practice that the artist experiences through the body in movement and in relation to other media/devices, with the desire to open a dialogue window, inviting to go beyond the surface and the image.

Her works are presented in international contexts, and she receives various awards and recognitions, including the Performance Award at the 27th International Solo Tanz-Theater in Stuttgart, followed by a tour in Germany. She received the SAI festival Award (Japan), and the Masdanza Award (Canary Islands), and the Cortoindanza 2023 Choreographic Writing Incentive Award; selected artist for the Showcase of young authorial dance 2022, and winner of Circle Contemporary Dance Contest 2021.

In addition to creating and performing, Nunzia is dedicated to sharing movement workshops and Gaga Movement Language classes for both dance professionals and people with different backgrounds.





19:00 〜22:30


2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら