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7/27 (thu) FOuR DANCERS vol.256~dance performance night~


市川まや +廣明輝一(尺八)

Aura Arreola and Guyphytsy Aldalai


◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.2200 yen + 1drink / door.2500 yen + 1drink
◇ dancer. 1600yen + 1drink

1978〜1982年まで舞踏グループ東方夜総会に参加。退会後、自らの作品、コラボレーション作品を多数発表。海外での招待公演も数多い。2008年京都西陣にてダンススタジオ·スペースALS-Dを開設。2017年〜2020年に京都舞踏館にて「黄泉の花」を300回を越えて上演。今年から来年にかけて、フランスのピアニストThierry Ravassard氏とのコラボ作品「L’eau et les rêves」のヨーロッパツアーを進行中。

2013年より舞踏家・由良部正美氏に師事。稽古継続中。2017年~KYOTO舞踏館にてロングラン公演 「黄泉の花」の脇役に出演。(現在休演中) 2016年より住蓮山安楽寺にて、岡田路世さんのクリスタルボウルとのコラボレーション 「美輪巡礼路」を定期的に開催する。 又、日々の稽古のことを綴った 「亀の歩み稽古日記」を不定期にアップしている。



1971年北海道砂川市生まれ。18歳で京都に出て能楽を学び、1996年より舞台の道に入る。2014年に舞踏作品「天人五衰」を発表。その作品では自作の能面を使用した独特の表現法「ケツ能」を確立し、好評を得る。2017年8月「A Choreographic Dialogue among East Asian Dancers」(北京)に招聘される。同年9月より2020年3月まで、KYOTO舞踏館にて「反重力子 花のかんばせ」を毎週土曜日にロングランで上演した。

大阪芸術大学修士課程修了後、劇団維新派で役者を経験。地域の幅広い年代のダンサーが在籍するKyoto Dance Exchange(KDE)を2008年より主宰。Nether lands choreography competitionファイナリスト。いろんなかたちのダンスを紹介するオドルタカラバコを運営。 KDE https://kdedance.fc2.page/ オドルタカラバコ https://www.odorutakarabako.com/

尺八を菅原久仁義に師事。 古典本曲と共に、作曲、即興、音響などからのアプローチをした尺八の演奏をしております。 また、芸能健康法「あ」の開発と普及に尽力しております。 廣明輝一 YouTubeチャンネル https://youtube.com/@hiropyom8


photos: David Joshua Jennings
Unfading [ Inmarcesibles ]

Idea and choreography – Aura Arreola and Guyphytsy Aldalai
Sound design – Fernando Vigueras
Violin: Aura Arreola
Voice: Guyphtsy Aldalai
Lighting design – Luis Manuel “Mosco” Aguilar
Costume design – Guyphytsy Aldalai with pieces by arkatha
Image – David Joshua Jennings

I lack time, but I have eternity to spare.

Time and eternity now: two simultaneous currents.

Roberto Juarroz 

Unfading [ Inmarcesibles ] is a choreographic essay created as abstractions of the intimate relationship between Guyphytsy Aldalai and Aura Arreola. An affect between two women artists that cannot be defined as purely professional, nor personal. Rather liminal, ineffable and abysmal. Choreographic thought then becomes a territory where deep affections and the reinvention of kinship flourish. An embodied manifesto that in the brevity of existence and the ephemerality of pleasures seeks to make space where there seems to be none. Unfading  is proposed as a counter-pedagogy of cruelty (Rita Segato) from which Aura and Guyphytsy experience vulnerability as a political and aesthetic power.

Choreographic creation is a desiring dynamism, a tenacious reconfiguration whose limits between fiction and reality are eroded. A radical intimacy that is fragilely woven -to paraphrase the well-known metaphor of butoh dance-, between two corpses trying to stand up.

Aura Arreola is an interdisciplinary artist, choreographer and performer from Mexico City. She specializes in collaborative experimentation, butoh and site-specific performances in dialogue with sound art, visual arts, music and experimental film; as well as with cognitive sciences, relational ontologies, environmental humanities and the activism of the erotic. Her embodied sound work derives from gestural motion with different materialities and its resonances in specific places. She has studied with Butoh masters in Japan and Mexico since 2008. She is an MFA candidate at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, pursuing her arts research Radical Intimacies—a project proposing embodied and affective collaborations between human and more-than-human worlds. Aura has performed in Japan, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States and Mexico.

Guyphytsy Aldalai is a dancer, choreographer and researcher of the body and movement. She is dedicated to the theoretical and practical study of the body in a state of dance; philosophy and literature have been disciplines in which she has delved both for the creation of pedagogical programs and for the processes of choreographic composition, an exploration that investigates and experiments with the different materialities and becomings of the body. Her training is constituted by Grotowski’s Laboratory Method, Anthropological Theater and Butoh Dance. She is founder and director of the biennial festival MARES // Encounters in Butoh Dance, (2017-). In 2019 she starts the laboratory: BECOMINGS, a continuous training in which she shares her pedagogical proposal. She has a degree in Hispanic Literature from the University of Guadalajara. She has shown her work in the United States, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.


19:00 〜22:30


2020/05 から前のEVENTはこちら